Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Killeen

Solo un hombre puede cambiar tu vida, su nombre es Jesús.

Pathfinder Club Membership Application

Pathfinder Club Membership Application

would like to join the "Osos Killeen for Jesus (K4J)" Pathfinder Club. I will attend club meetings, hikes, camping and field trips, missionary adventures, and other club activities. I agree to be guided by the rules of the club and the Pathfinder Pledge and Law.

Approval by Parents or Guardians

The applicant must be in at least the 5th grade as a Junior Pathfinder, or age 13 as a Teen Pathfinder.

-Pathfinder Pledge-

By the grace of God, I will be pure, kind, and true; I will keep the Pathfinder Law; I will be a servant of God, and a friend of man

-Pathfinder Law-

1. Keep the Morning Watch 2. Do my honest part 3. Care for my body 4. Keep a level eye 5. Be courteous and obedient 6. Walk softly in the sanctuary 7. Keep a song in my heart 8. Go on God's errands

We the parents,

have read the Pathfinder Pledge and Law and are willing and desirous that the applicant become a Pathfinder. We will assist the applicant in observing the rules of the Pathfinder organization. In consideration of the benefits derived from membership, we herby voluntarily waive any claim against this club or the Texas Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists for any accidents which may arise in connection with the activities of the Pathfinder club.

As parents,

we understand that the Pathfinder Club program is an active one for the applicant. It includes many opportunities for service, adventure, and fun. We will cooperate at 1. By learning how we can assist the applicant and his leaders. 2. By encouraging the applicant to take an active part in all activities. 3. By attending events to which parents are invited. 4. By assisting club leaders and by serving as leaders if called upon. 5. By supplying needed information on the Membership Application and Health Record.

Parent/ Guardian will be contacted to confirm this application.

- May God be with our Pathfinder club -